Where : Hutan Lipur Kanching, Rawang, Selangor (near Tesco Rawang)
When : 30th March 2013 (Saturday)
Who : Me, Morjhan, 'Doc' Syukry n CT Mariam
Entry for this event via Facebook post, which i wasnt lucky enough to secure a spot, but an invitation from Morjhan's friend is hard to say no to. I have always love to try something for a first time, and for that i have to let go my spot for TSDayout @ FRIM kepong, the same morning (how i wish i could split myself into two and join both event) :P
We met @ Tesco Rawang (3km from that place) and get to know each other a little bit and had a light breakfast. Once done, we make our way to Hutan Lipur Kanching, a place i last visited many-many years ago.
its been a while since i've been here
Once we got there, we took the chance after the registration to 'complete' the dress. Shukry came up with an idea of 'bracelet' or something, made out from starbuck's cup (see pic), the crown is Morjhan's and the big leaf is CT's.
this case hold the secret to our team's success :P
Light breakfast provided. Present were member of public as well as media n partners. Nop, we didnt really know what the grand prizes actually is. nor the exact prize for best dress. thought that there must me other group turn up with better costume than us. Yang last minit tak siap2 lagi nih :P
other team with theme dress - Froggers (left side)

tetiba team name jadi Devallia :P
group photo!
err, forgot to ask their team name :P (devi's team)
While at that,
we were asking to pose for few times by different media (NTV 7 and such)
lol. Fames rasa! Although frankly, im kind a feel awkward walking
around in this costume :P tapi gambar tak kuar2 paper pun? *mushkil* :P
Event start around 9.30 am after a light stretching. Each team provided with a big black rubbish bag. No need to tell you what to do. There's a prize for that as well.
solve this, and you'll get your destination
We took some time to solve this, but actually, you need to just run to the next Check Point and get the clue, then proceed to another, until you collect all 5 clue and solve them anywhere you like. We first thought it has something to do with that particular CP, but once we get the answer like - Caramel Latte, we knew that all the answers has to be something related to Starbucks. Oh well. layankan jer..
taking our time to go from one level to another
jumble words
morjan doing the hard work
The place is well kept, there's not much of rubbish can be found (except those down the path, which is hard to reach). Im actually impressed on how well this park being cared for.
The park isnt that crowded, with levels you can choose depending on your huff and puff. stamina. if it is too much to take, that you'll know you went too high.
Stairs making your journey up easier, plus signage to guide you from one level to another.
I think this place is one of the best waterfall around Selangor.
The upper level (5) (pic below). Beyond this, there's 2 more levels, but you need to do a little jungle trekking from here forth.
more jumble words
write em down
picture puzzle
The task is not that challenging, but the journey was. Since this is the first time CT doing such activity, we decided to follow her pace. after all, a strong team is the team that take care of the least stronger team member kan? we try to make everyone enjoy this game as much as possible. :)
nah, we just passing by. tak celup kaki dlm air pun.. :P
sempat lagi dia camwhore
nice aint it?
taking our sweet time solving the riddles
and this
arghh! this is confusing!!
last riddle
Although there is not time limit, most team were done by 11.30am, so we decided to submit our answers as well. Found out that we couldn't get 2 questions right, so we were not allowed to do the final task. Most of the answers were related to the event itself, and Starbuck's menu :P. Tulah sape soh sibuk buat dress je last nite!
Its time for a treat. what would it be rather than a iced cold Starbuck's! for the first round, we need a coupon for that. for my next round(s) they just give em over. (<muka tak malu) :P
nop, tak leh kirim2... kena beratur sendiri bro!
yum! yum!
Winner announcement around 1.30 pm.
First up, group with the heaviest rubbish : 13kg (something) woot! and total rubbish we brought down that day : 200kg (something) our's only weight around 6.9 kg. mane lah dia amik sampah banyak2 tu kan? < haha.. im so nervous waiting for the result for the best dress ok, other stuff i cant really recall :P
Along with lucky draw sessions. We didnt get lucky though. Not even in the rank of best top 20 teams. But once they announced the winner for best dress, we got these :
First up, group with the heaviest rubbish : 13kg (something) woot! and total rubbish we brought down that day : 200kg (something) our's only weight around 6.9 kg. mane lah dia amik sampah banyak2 tu kan? < haha.. im so nervous waiting for the result for the best dress ok, other stuff i cant really recall :P
Along with lucky draw sessions. We didnt get lucky though. Not even in the rank of best top 20 teams. But once they announced the winner for best dress, we got these :
we won! alhamdulillah. err. team pic kena tunggu yer.. diaorg x upload lg
Once everything concluded, we thanked each other and left the park around 3 pm. Moga2 jumpa lagi di next event and menang lagi, insya allah :) *wink*ok.. ok.. sabar ye sape2 nak amik gambar dengan kami :P
motif posing sempit2 kat tepi kete?
we were famous! :P
The best part :
The goodie bag includes Starbucks coffee vouchers n a mug!
Able to take part! its by invitation and not by open registration.
Food stalls are available in case you forgot to bring anything. seat aplenty, with reasonable price.
You'll notice how clean this park is. this shows how well they take care of this place. oh worth mentioned, its gated. but i think its better that way. and they need to impose the visitor to bring down whatever rubbish they bring up. through strict enforcement then only the public learn to care for the environment kan?
Other facilities like toilets and surau are easily access.
Ample space for family event alike.
The not so :
Its good that atleast we know what are the prizes up for grab that day. Only then, we might change the strategy and try to aim for that grand prize instead :P
Traffic in and out of the park using the same narrow road. Another one leading out of the parking area was flooded, and im not sure how deep it is, but im sure its usable any other day. Come early to park your can inside the gated area.
Too many monkeys! we cant blame them really, but be extra careful when walking pass a group of them, and do not feed them with whatever you got from the picnic basket, or else, you'll lose your picnic basket for that :P