Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Task for Allianz Foodie Hunt 2015 - Team Budget Good-Good

Food is very synonym to us Malaysian. You can find all kinds of food, be it local, fusion etc, from early morning till late at night, well, even for supper and late supper. Oh then breakfast again :P i mean choices are aplenty, and some rare cuisine only emerge during festive seasons.

Penang have the most original and best options (my personal favourite), but, each state have their own kind of specialties. Although im not from Kelantan, i savour their food the most. Why? because its not spicy. I like chinese food, and our family's dinner time sometime at mamak somewhere. Why? because they serve food faster than those at fast food restaurant!

This post is meant for Foodie Hunt 2015, a one day event brought to you by Allianz Malaysia, that will test participant's skill of Makan-Makan (eating) with amazing prizes up for grab.

We are team Budget Good-Good, from central Malaysia. Lembah Klang. Well, over here, its like the center for everything, so you can find whatever your heart desire. Be it Kelantanese, Melakaian, Perakian etc cuisine, im sure there's one significant menu that suit your taste bud.

Ok. this is what we need to do. Selfie or Wefie, with food that best represent our group. So i asked each of my team mate to take their own selfie with their own favourite food, and compile it together. ha! 

We chose Rojak, Roti Tisu Tower and Maggi Goreng Telur Mata for our assignment/task.

Briefly, this is what the food of our choice is all about:

Roti Tisu = Budget
Roti Tisu (tissue parata) commonly found @ Mamak restaurants, which, you can find easily in any mamak's. Mind you, you might want to share it with others to finish it. go for lamb curry for extra kick. (but the paratha already taste a bit sweet)

Maggi Goreng Telur Mata = Good
Maggi Goreng Telur Mata (Fried Instant Noodle with Egg) is well known and considered the easiest and the fastest to prepare. Mix of noodles, vegetables, eggs and fried tofu with sunny side egg (yeah, we love the extra egg) on top making it a scrumptious meal to have. Different version i have tasted, let say each version is as good and tasty (even they look just the same). 

Rojak Pasembor = Good
Rojak literally translated 'mix of everything'. the picture explains it. mix of cucumber, fried tofu, saucy peanut sauce, boiled egg, fried tofu, salad etc. the combination is up to you. really. it can be eaten with noodles or even fruits.

Food do bring people together (everytime) as we totally enjoy all the varieties and flavours, thanks to the diversity in our country. So even with little Budget you can still enjoy Good-Good food. :)

Well then, wish us luck in our hunt this coming 17th October.

Team Budget Good-Good signing off.

#AllianzFoodieHunt2015 #AllianzMalaysia #TeamBudgetGoodGood

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Petron Fuel Happy Road Trip 2015


setelah lama tak menulis (chewahh.. mcm lah korang kisah) abam kembali menyemakkan blog dengan entri terbaru. tak lah baru. awal bulan lepas. tapi kira best lah jugak utk share, sebab hanya 20 jemputan/team sahaja terpilih. team lain geng2 media. total ada 40 team.
sedey x dpt bawak family sbb kalu semua ikut mmg agak memenatkan sebab kena ikut timing.

Abam dapat join PETRON Fuel Happy Road Trip Penang pada 5 & 6 September 2015 yang lepas. Bermalam di Penang then balik semula. Pangok (penat giler), tapi best sebab event ni ikut konvoi, dengan escort dari Shah Alam sampai lah ke Penang. Pengalaman baru la.
Tak penah lagi join konvoi mana2. konvoi gi umah org kawen tu lain..
Semua tanggung. sape takmo kan? 

 Pagi tu berkumpul kat PETRON Shah Alam (Batu 3) sebelum diaorg bagi Kad Smiles dan TnG (preloaded) untuk digunakan semasa acara ni. Kena isi minyak PETRON siap2 sebelum berlepas.

Ada tugasan juga sepanjang jalan ni. 1st task kena selfie kat FB dan dapatkan most 'like'. Ok abg skip. Dengan pengontes2 tegar turut serta dlm trip ni, abaikan je lah.

Selepas pelepasan rasmi, bermulalah trip kitaorg. Rata2 ramai x biasa konvoi, tp dpt gak catch-up setelah kena 'paksa' dengan abam2 polis yang ikut serta. Dan bukan kete sedan je join. Siap ada bmw, mercedes.. mmg laju sungguh.

Pit stop tak banyak. Straight dari Shah Alam kitaorg berhenti di Kellie's Castle, kat sini ada instagram contest. so ada hadiah utk tugasan ni jugak. Kira team abam target utk ni. siap bawak belon warna warni. usaha tu. punya kusyuk amik gmbr mujur tak kena tinggal dengan konvoi.

Alah macam dia sorang je penah guna TnG :P (tp ni limited edition punye woo..)
Syok sendiri :P
gambar kemenangan bagi contest Instagram

Then dlm sejam gitu, proceed untuk lunch kat Indulgence. walaupun buffet tp ini kira fine dining nih. makanan dia western style. Kenyang perut suka hati.. aiseh camne ni dah mengantuk.. huhu..


Then barulah ke Penang. Cuaca berhujan dan perjalanan kami sedikit perlahan. Berhenti jap kat PETRON Gunung Semanggol utk refuel.  Minyak dia bagi adalah Petron Blaze 97 Euro-4M. Tapi mmg terasa lah Zoom-nyer kalu korang guna. rege dia lah mahal sket. Tp kalu abam guna selalu ni mmg mantop kete. Mencanak perginya. 
Tp mungkin poket abam takkan setuju. 

Time kasih sbb jaga kitaorg tak kira cuaca  

Dalam kul 5 sampai ke G-Hotel Kelawai @ Georgetown. Hotel baru yang mmg sempoi. selesa ya amat! Tetap teringat kat anak2. sure diaorg teruja dapat dok hotel best camni. :)
Takpelah next trip datang sini utk family holiday. 3H2M.. haa..

Sebelum check in kena lah teka nombor kombinasi utk menang hadiah misteri. Abam x dapat. sad. Sepanjang perjalanan diaorg ada bagi kad dengan 1 nombor kombinasi. Kira sampai penang dpt lah 4 nombor gitu. Xpelah. yang penting nak rehat dan makan. 

Ok. Malam tu acara penyampaian hadiah dan makan malam. Team kitaorg dapat no. 3 utk contest Instagram. Alhamdulillah. dpt lah point Smiles utk tukar kan ke minyak dan guna dalam sebulan 2 gitu. Rakan2 pengontes tegar mmg menang besar. silap besar abam tak team mate ngan diaorg.. haha.. gambar2 yg masuk contest insta mmg ohsome! korang leh tengok kat insta Petron Malaysia @petron_malaysia
Retis : aryklangit & nurfatima (sony malaysia)

Paginya (6 Sept) mmg target ke Bukit bendera. Biasalah buat stok gmbr dan projek2 yg sepatutnya. Superb pemandangan waktu pagi kat sini. Subhanallah.. Tiket pun murah. Lain rege dia kalu naik sblm kul 9 pagi.

Once turun proceed terus ke Petron Juru utk refuel, sblm layan Nasi Kandaq Pelita kat Juru. So trip percuma sampai sini je lah. 

Perjalanan balik agak lancar, dan pengalaman memang best dan tidak akan dilupakan. Happy!
Moga dapat join lagi event2 cam gini. Thanks PETRON Malaysia sebab jemput team abam join. Memang best!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shopping @ KLIA2.. but you gotta HUNT first!

What : KLIA Shopping Hunt 2015
Where : Satellite Buidling KLIA2, Departure Hall KLIA
Who : Team Budget Good-Good (Me and Zahar)
When : 14 Feb 2015 (Saturday)

Selepas beberapa siri kekalahan yang agak mengecewakan, aku menghadirkan diri dengan jemputan dari Zahar, rakan baik yang kukenali sejak berbelas tahun lepas. Nape tak pernah mentioned dia sblm ni? Sbb baru2 ni jer pun dia terjebak dalam dunia comping ni. Dan seorang comper yang agak bagus. Cuma dia low profile orangnya. Baik dlm dunia comping atau di luar.
Special wristband for today (only)
Ok berbalik kepada cerita asal, kitaorg berjaya terpilih sebagai salah satu pasukan mewakili team SinarFM. 5 pasukan dari MyFM dan MixFM turut bertanding, so total 15 team. Hadiah ditawarkan mmg lumayan, 17k worth of shopping vouchers dan dua wakil dari MixFM sememangnya aku tahu akan rebut podium 1-2. Confirm! Geng Master hunters!

DJs from Astro Radio - Phat Fabes (Mix), Feeya (Sinar) and Emely (My)
Ape pun cabaran belum pun bermula. Keep Calm and gi breakfast dulu ape2 pun. Zahar tak pernah join hunt, so its totally on me. Seb baik jumpa geng - Amirul, masa lawan tetembak laser kat Awana dolu, so boleh aa tolong2 mana yang patut. Yang lain mmg muka fresh, tak pernah tengok kat mana2 hunt.

the most 'like' that i have got for a post so far :P
Team Sinar yg telah diphotobomb oleh Fabes
Event bermula dalam 11.30 pagi dalam bangunan satellite KLIA2, so memusnahkan angan2 aku utk shopping (kalu menang) dalam terminal KLIA2 tu. Dalam ni (bangunan satellite) tak sebanyak kedai kat luar. Dan barang2 yg aku nak xde dlm ni sangat.. angan2 macam akan menang.. haha..  total hunt time from flag off : 3 hours.

Ok task sblm hunt bermula : taste bud challenge. Diaorg bagi satu paket kecik campuran pelbagai rempah ratus. Teka apa benda dlm paket tu. 

So kitaorg rasa ada kari ikan dan daging, kunyit, serbuk lada hitam dan ape ntah satu lagi. salah 2.

soklan mmg tak senang mana, dan ada yg tak lah visible sangat. COC pun bukan lah calang2 orang, dan team Master yg masuk pun kate soklan susah.. Soklan ni susah? so pada aku mmg lagi fail la.. haha..

Kitaorg kena settlekan 20 soklan dalam ni. Once dah habis, move on ke 2nd stage @ KLIA Level 5 (departure hall). Syarat nyer mmg kena naik ERL ke situ.


Once dah sampai, kena habiskan jawab dalam 10 soklan lagi. Kat sini takde lah serabut pala sangat nak pikir jawapannya. Agak direct. 2-3 soklan je susah. Agak2 rasa dah confident kitaorg balik semula ke KLIA2 dan submit kertas soklan+jawapan.

Para peserta dijamu dengan makan tengah hari dari Old Town White Coffee. 

3.30 ptg sesi share jawapan. ada gak jawapan yg betul, ada gak 1/2 betul. tapi memang dah sedia dah nak beli coklat rege rm200 jer sebenarnya (sbb saguhati bagi 13 lagi kumpulan yg tak berjaya dpt la RM200 voucher satu team)..

Bila dia kata : Pemenang akan diumumkan oleh DJ dari Station radio yang berkenaan.. haa.. dah suspen dah.. tetiba DJ Feeya keluar... mentioned nama Zahar.. wah!! 2nd runner up kitaorg ghupernya.. Alhamdulillah.. rezeki anak2 ngan mak nyer yg dah kirim wallet baru dan perfume walaupun somi dia tak pasti menang ke tak.. huhu.. Part yg best dapat medal! dan macam biasa lah, mock card tu mmg aku simpan bawak balik. Macam aku ni, adalah pernah menang da.. mcm Zahar dia punya first podium! Siap tanya bila akan keluar paper ni? hehe.. 

Congrats All!!
Once majlis dah abis, dlm 4.30ptg kitaorg dibawa masuk semula ke bangunan satellite KLIA2 utk shopping dlm tu. Takde kedai sport aa dlm tu.. dan xde kedai sony (nak beli MP3 utk diri sendiri).. so beli lah cokelat utk anak2 dan barang yg wifey kirim, sementara tunggu Zahar shopping. Ralat gak x sempat nak belanja makan team Amirul yg terpaksa balik awal. xpelah next time. 

Sesi sopping abis dlm 7.00 mlm. Sorry JD! Penat dia tunggu kitaorg. Tp sbb kedai Chicken Rice Shop dlm bangunan tu mmg takleh tapau rupenyer.. salah aku sbb tak tanya dulu.. :(

All in all mmg best sbb sape nak saje2 belanja sopping free kan? So lengkaplah pengalaman bersopping spree dlm bangunan satellite KLIA2 dan KLIA tahun sebelumnya..

Sape kate lelaki tak suka shopping. Aku suka okeh. tp kalu org belanja.. haha..

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Lets #givealittle, to Mother Nature? (Part 4)

Another of our #givealittle act together with my buddy, Zaha. He will be the cameraman and videographer for today, and its something to give back to Mother Nature, and those weekend climbers.

We met up around 7.30am and start climbing right after. Today we will do a little clean up on top of one of the popular hill in Semenyih, known as Broga Hill and by doing this we hope to spread the awareness that everyone is responsible for taking care of the environment and keeping this place clean.

My first activity for the new year. A healthy one i must say. All walks of life seen climbing this hill, and imagine the rubbish that might get left behind. But hopefully they wont. 

Err.. I was wrong. Once we reached the top, we can see overflow rubbish bins. Im not sure how frequent they are being collected, so we decided to give a help by cleaning the area and bring down the rubbish. Lets see if you gonna agree with the 'after'. Few rubbish bins scattered before reaching the top.

While at it, students from MSU were collection donations for the recent flood victims as well as bringing down rubbish from top of the hill. Once we start our act, members of KRESMA (Kelab Rekreasi UiTM Malaysia) - Shah Alam offering to lend a hand as well. We were glad that these youngsters also have the same mindset and help us making this act a success. For that we thank you.


We hope by doing this, those seeing it or read about it, spread the importance of keeping the area clean and beautiful, so that we had a memorable climb and superb view atop. At the same time we make sure that food wrapper, leftovers and plastic bottles did not scattered around. Our leftovers are kind a poison to the small animals.

What we bring up, we should bring them down. Left nothing but footprints (or your shoe prints). Mind you, this is just the 'loot' over the weekend. We hope everyone can play their part to keep the hill clean.

p/s : thats all for the time being. Video will be up once its edited :) Happy New Year!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Lets #givealittle, a Pint maybe? (Part 3)

So lets continue my #givealittle, shall we?. This is a short one. before moving on to Part 4.

credit to : http://www.donateblood.com.au/about-blood/types
How about giving a Pint. 13% of your blood volume. 470ml to be exact. Which could save up to three lives. Isnt that amazing?

And this also related to the flood victims. They are in dire need of blood in A and AB category.

Mine is O+, oh well, i hope im still helping out.

Do the checklist properly (given before you start the donation) and answer it honestly before you even think of donating your blood. again, giving something this little could mean something big.

A good thing to start my 2015 right? :)


p/s : Amazing facts you should know about blood donation here

Lets #givealittle, Breakfast anyone? (Part 2)

My #givealittle continues, this time we (Me n my buddy Zaha) would serve free breakfast, on a top of a popular hill in Semenyih.

People love coming here for the view, and usually they climb up early, like 6am early! This, for the purpose, to catch the sunrise. Casual hiking could take up to 40 minutes to reach the top.

So we thought how about #givealittle something for those who were up there that morning? Breakfast. Freshly cooked Nasi Lemak + sweet water. we havent done this ourselves before, the feeling kind of mixed up. What if they started to ask this and that, and so on. What if they dont want it?

But..it turn out well. i just need to explain a bit about what im doing, and all i need in return, for them to have a picture with me, a group picture together. thats all.

Everyone was enjoying their breakfast, and there's one guy ate 2 packets of Nasi Lemak as he said he was bit hungry.

Since everyone climbed so early, they usually go with just a light snack. I served sweet drinks since they might need a little bit of sugar to boost their energy for this activity. The idea to serve breakfast up there simply eating Nasi Lemak while enjoying the stunning greenery. We should eat and hydrate properly before, while and after activities such as this. Some just opt for the drink and tapau the Nasi Lemak. some even asked for another cup of drink. and we even served drinks to a few that doing their training (running up and down the hill, few loops so to say) for the upcoming Ultra Marathon event in Hong Kong. all and all, you can eat that nasi lemak guilt-free after doing such activity, right?

We collected all the leftovers and wrappers as well as paper cups that used for this purpose and brought down with us.

Try doing it and you know how it feels.

So whats my next #givealitte? lets read it @ Part 3

Lets #givealittle, shall we? (Part 1)

When mentioned #givealittle, what came across your mind?

For me, something little that could lead to something worthy, something that have an impact to others around you, or the society. Random act of kindness.

For that, i started my #givealitte with few ideas in mind, some had already completed, some in progress.

For the time being, i would only share pictures, here and at my Instagram (id : @cheramiche). Video(s) will be uploaded later.

For my first #givealittle, i started at home. we (me and wifey) had already put aside clothes (used) that is still in good condition and usable. I wanted to give it out during Pasar Percuma, but didnt get the chance to do it yet. As shocking as everyone else, we heard the news that Kelantan was badly hit by the worst flood in many years. We knew those clothes could be of help. We have collection of clothes from all my kids, and ours as well. So, we packed them up nicely, labelled them accordingly, and sent off to the flood relief collection centre nearby. I did stay and help a bit. Sorting through bundles of plastics bags (unlabelled clothes) and see how others helping out shows what kind of people we are. Kind hearted. I feel like i didnt help that much, and how i wish i could be in Kelantan right now helping out cleaning the aftermath.

Our prayer for all Kelantanese affected by the 2014 flood.

My 2nd #givealittle : .. Ok continue to Part 2