As mentioned in my previous post, this coming Saturday 31st, CFM will be having its #CelebrityFitness 1st Ever Fit-a-thon @ Cheras Sentral Mall.
So, which celebrity and his/her buddy you wish to keep track -live - during the session? You can vote via Kakao Talk.
To cast your vote : find (ID search : @celebFitnessmy) & add as a Plus Friend.
You have till tomorrow (30th May) to vote. :) . Please vote for Tony Eusoff ok? :P
#KakaoTalkMy #KakaoTalk #CelebrityFitnessMalaysia #TogetherGether
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
#CelebrityFitness 1st ever Fit-a-thon < Woot!!
Guest what?
This will be for my next post. Can you guest which Celebrity i will be pairing with? :)
Excited yet? hehe.. I know i am! Woot!!
This will be for my next post. Can you guest which Celebrity i will be pairing with? :)
Excited yet? hehe.. I know i am! Woot!!
Advertorial : Ephyra Treasure Hunt 2014
This is My first actual advertorial. Pardon me (please comment) if there's any mistake whatsoever. Here's to many more Advert to come? Insya Allah..
This time my entry would be about Ephyra product and an event that happening last Saturday :
Where : Putrajaya - KLIA2 - Putrajaya
When : 24th May 2014 (Saturday)
Who : Team of Bloggers (4 each team, 7 teams total)
Event sponsored by Oceanlife2U and organized by Team DenaiHati yang ohsem. Kena mention ohsem sbb mmg enjoy event yg diaorg telah jalankan ni.
Meeting point was @ PuspanitaPuri Car Park around 9 am. Once there, everyone need to do their own InstaVideo, showing you preparing and enjoying the Ephyra drink. i was lucky to have Nuar on my team, as he knows how to edit the video for Instagram and more importantly, how to edit the InstaVideo. Ohsem jugak utk ko sbb jadi team mate yg terer!
Here's my InstaVideo :
just a tip - you need to have team mates that's active on social media to take part in this kind of game.
My personal opinion about the product? : Well i like to see the result first. After a sachet, i took one kuih and thats all. I didnt eat anything yet that morning. Will share with you later in this post.
Two other team mates, blogger Dikna and Kak Dyana. < Havoc!! even though we have never met each other before.
Pn Amiza Amiruddin
Wefie!! *istilah social media je utk event ari ni*
Flag off around 10.45 am, first clue was : Taman Botani.
i like the 2nd last Question.
We were given a number of questions which answer can be found easily around the park.
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Ok semua tunjuk gigi anda..!! *background kereta yg lalu lalang hon kat kitaorg* |
Once done, we need to take a Wefie by the roadside (with Ephyra billboard at the background) right before the Bangi Exit and then drive straight to KLIA2 for our next set of task.
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We need to find the Starbucks cafe and get our tasks there. |
Questions part was easy. The InstaVideo was not so. Imagine we had to find a Guy in Blue shirt, get him to be featured in our video while one of us promoting what Ephyra is to him. Ha!! Bagi kat i mmg asyik CUT! je lah jawabnyer. Nebes!!
once done, uploading it was another thing. The internet prolly so congested inside the building, we need to find some place else to do it. And theres one nice corner far end of the building where it got better reception and of course - good internet connection. Now that already time wasted.
and there's interval time : 10 minutes once each task submitted.. so layan Starbucks dulu la..
once the 10 minutes is up, its time to continue.
2nd task : Find a foreigner and take a picture with him.
3rd task : Do a Wefie at the KLIA2 wording
4th Task (InstaVideo)
Find a Lady in Turquoise dress/shirt and do the same thing. Explain what is Ephyra in 15 sec vid.
5th task (instaVideo)
do a group cheer in front of 3 tourist
Missed the task where we need to find something 'spicy'.. :(
berWefie kat KLIA2
once done, around 2.30 pm, its time for lunch.
we headed for Petronas Station (right after the airport exit) and have a Nasi Ayam while solving another set of question. Googable punyer riddle la.. jawab santai2 jer..
Ok here is how i feel after hours of driving and running and walking around @ KLIA2. I still feel energetic and not that hungry though (although its already 3pm) and prolly this Ephyra product is good for dieting. I havent tried the one that i got (yet) but i will share in another post what happened after 10 sackets (10 days) :).. im thinking if it is a good supplement, prolly i can use it to help me with my preparation for my Full Marathon this coming October..
once submitted the question, we were given another clue saying we need to get back to Putrajaya, take a shuttle to the Ephyra Booth @ Jom Heboh Carnival.
Once we reached PICC, there's no parking available so we headed straight for the Jom Heboh instead.
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a'ah.. menapak dari jambatan ni sampai la ke tapak jualan Ephyra. Yup. Gigih. |
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Sambil2 posing dalam kepenatan |
We were the 5th team to arrive @ Jom Heboh site and at the Ephyra booth for the final task(s). Turns out the last task is the Blind Soccer! According to their product Ambassador, Norman Hakim, the game chosen because of the World Cup Fever, and to promote active lifestyle of those using Ephyra. Sihat, Cantik, Bertenaga.. so this one suits the theme.
Its a sudden death match but our team manage to score a goal for a bonus point. Once done, we need to present the group cheer that we InstaVideo earlier, then only we completed the Hunt.
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Biasalah team captain akan rebut2 nak pegang mock card hadiah tu.. haha.. |
Event ends around 7 pm.
The event prolly the best idea to promote such product, as it not only represent beauty, but also for health and energy.
If you are interested to try it yourself, visit any of these links : (official website)
p/s : You can buy it online! visit their official website on how to get a trial pack :)
biasalah.. name pun Budget Good-Good
Last but not least, thanks buat kawan2 blogger yg gigih mencari harta karun sampai ke KLIA2 dan buat blogger Shakkido yang banyak membantu dalam urusan pendaftaran dan perjalanan aktiviti. Salam perkenalan juga buat geng2 organizer dan blogger yg telah turut serta. (tak sempat nak tegur semua, sbb rushing buat tugasan masing2 :)
*Photo Credit to Bro Pena Berkala dan kawan2 blogger yg lain.
For more pics, comments on Ephyra and the event itself, you can visit these sites :
Ainaa , BroAffendy , Kenit , Puteri , MiszRockers , PenaBerkala , Rosnie , DismyBelog , FamesFoodBlogger , Nurain , Eyzamiel, Eizil , CikLilyPutih and Norfanil :)
Running / Races
Monday, May 5, 2014
Back to Back : Jejak Pelancongan Putrajaya n Rentap Extreme Explorace 2014
Where : Putrajaya
Time : 5.30am - 2.00 pm (for Jejak Pelancongan Putrajaya)
3.00 pm - 4.00 pm (for Rentap Extreme Explorace @ Tapak Fiesta Riuh Sakan 2014)
Achievement (chewahh..) .. eh jap.. kena baca dulu story baru tau.. hehe..
When : Saturday, 26th April
Team : Fakri, Ellah, Lek, Myself
Syuk join the 2nd event.
5.00 am - Dah siap bangun, initial plan was to park our car depan Perbadanan Putrajaya around 5.30am. Tertidur balik, woke up @ 5.30am. Sudahnya sampai kat blockade tu around 5.45am. Still among the earliest. 2nd car in the line. Learnt our lesson @ the previous hunt (a week before) @ Melaka. That story have to wait. We flunked that one.. hehe..
thats what ppl call GIGIH..
Breakfast @ 7am, and final brieifing @ 8 am.(note : sedap dia punya Bihun Goreng, which i ate for lunch) :P
So, flag off around 8.30am. and we have till 3.00 pm to finish everything.
the driver i shall be today
7 locations. Questions vary (based on Sports/World Cup) but not that easily googalable okeh. Treasure hunt element is still there. Especially for the first location @ Presint 14 / Diplomatic. Yup, this year format is totally different from last year. I hope they will revert to the 2013 format next year. (of courselah Treasure hunters x minat sangat format camni, kitaorg adventure racer lah at advantage nyer).
1st Location : Presint 14/Diplomatic
Mmg payah soklannyer.. ie.. Lin Dan kehilangan Ann.. ok .. cuba teka apa jawapannyer?
p/s : gambar xde kena mengena dengan jawapan
Boleh jawab dlm comment. Kalu betul dpt hadiah.. hehe.. Ops, sape masuk ari tu takleh aa jawab..
Kalu nak soklan lain pun boleh. nanti saya share. We hate this part. But we love the challenge.
Abiskan sejam kat sini, left with 3 Qs unanswered. yg berjawap pun mungkin 50% je betul.. Back to the control point @ Perbadanan to get the passport for 2nd part.
Location 2 : Taman Cabaran P20
Not like last year la. Nothing extreme. just to test how sharp is your observation skill, while trying to cope with other team member that eagerly want to help (which makes thing more chaotic) haha.. gaduh2 manja.. + stress kan sape yg pegang pen masa tu..
Location 3 : Taman Saujana Hijau P11
Here, we need to answer a crossword puzzle. senang sangat. jawapan ada da.. so pilih jawapan yang betul. tak mencabar pun.
aha.. why they put a bunting such as this as a checkpoint marker?
Location 4 : Taman Wetland @ Padang Semarak
Yang ni pun jawab soklan. Mencabarnya sbb dah panas terik. Rentung la sambil2 cari jawapannya. 20 minutes gak nak siapkan.
rentung. dah tengah hari dah time nih. quizzes
aha.. dan saya lupa nak snap bunting yg ada kat tepi tu.. *dush*!
at this point, no one actually know that the bunting is actually part of the game!
3rd part ni senang. diaorg letak mcm logo pasukan bola. then jawab soklan based on the logo. senang jugak sbb team 2 tau banyak pasal bola. bagus gak budak2 ni.
Aha.. punya laju lupa amik gambar :P
Easy peasy. Then proceed with 2nd passport for 3 more locations :
Location 5 : PICC (Hall 1 n 2)
kat sini mmg tricky sket. Dengar bunyi, tulis huruf yg mewakili bunyi tu. So jawapan berdasarkan susunan bunyi. Tak senang sbb dia ada dua set. Satu utk huruf2 apa yang bunyi tu wakili, and right next to it (yup, mmg bercampur2 bunyinya) susunan bunyi yg perlu kita susun jadi jawapannya.. (sport based juga).
Contoh la.. X - utk angsa, N -utk bunyi enjin kete I - bunyi siren polis, S - bunyi lembu.
so susunan dia.. X-N-I-S.. ape tuh?
logiknya.. X (roman number) so dia jadi Ten + N+I+S = Tennis! wei!! tak reti ah! haha..
(jawapan tau lepas da abis game)
Nak jugak berselfie. ok syok sendiri..
W for *sound) Moo = Cow
listing out all the alphabets that represent the sound
time to relax a bit.. or merajuk.. or layan perasaan.. haha..
Ops dont forget the bunting..
Location 6 : Taman Pancarona P18
Ok sampai sini mcm ada mini stadium. So ada jumble words questions. Isikan jawapan yang betul. haha.. biasa2 je. kejap je dapat ni. Camne? ade 8 kepala (2 team) so mmg cepat lah siap. Sport based remember? kalu general mmg die la..
guess who is this? hint : Olahragawan
Location 7 : Pusat Futsal 1Malaysia, P18 @ Youthport
kat sini test korang punye memory. Marshall kat masuk, then keluar, tak leh masuk balik. Tp sebab ramai sgt org, saya tengok ramai jer yg mengelat. Tp tak susah sangat. dari gambar dia bg tu, teka mana salah. Senang.
Once done, back to the Contol point for the bonus task/questions.
So balik ke control point utk submit passport.
Turn out that my habit sometimes tu bagus juga. all those buntings are the clue for this last part. Its the answer to the bonus question! Walla! settle our hunt around 2.oopm..
Prize giving some time around 5pm. The result for the hunt you need to wait.
Oh yer.. kalu treasure hunt sure lah ada 'treasure' nak kena beli.. contoh mcm ni :
3-3 soklan ke laut! actually i did get this one right. yes. the answer is sehelai daun!
and i thought green tea.. haha.. need to do better on this
Ok. lets go to the 2nd event of the day.
Rentap Extreme Explorace @ tapak Fiesta Riuh Sakan, Monument Alaf Baru, Putrajaya.
Actually, the reason we signing up for this one as its so cheap! RM20 jer satu team!
But.. to my suprise, we will up against team of Marathon Runners, Iron Man, Adventure Racers. Wahh.. macam xde harapan jer? But giving up that early isnt an option. We have to try our best la then. Kitaorg? buat2 tak tahu jer..
layan dulu..
Budget Goodx2 = alah.. poyo lah nak kena terang jugak.. haha..
Once it started, we need to find 10 CPs to get all the stamp. Its not that extreme per se, more like fast! Explorace is all about who finish first, and gets all the stamp.
also, there's a task you need to write Pantun. Empat kerat.
kitaorg buat mmg ntah hapa2 lah pantunnyer. janji marshall terima.
So again, we got a Soduku challenge in one of the task. mmg Challenging as i need to solve it like under 5 minutes or so.
Mmg tetap dan berpencen lah saya kalu ada task ni.. Argh.. but with the right strategy, we manage to cover most of the CP in the fastest time, ahead of other teams. And our team found the CP 7, which was quite hidden from the sight. you need to go up the Monument Alaf Baru for that.
see.. its hidden kan?
So we went for the 3rd last CP, CP 9. We need to find pokok cili padi semerah around the Fiesta site. Easy eh? as there's only 2 place selling plants there. But they didnt sell any pokok cili! Argh.. where can this pokok cili be? After running around like mad, the pokok cili were put just behind the Starting point.
Ok, we came to the 2nd last CP, CP 6. Where the heck is it? to our suprise, its right there next to the last CP.. haha.. mesti baru jap tadi dia letak.
Kara-tak-ok! Well, suruh kitaorg karaoke mmg tak ok lah. But we were the first time in the queue, so others have to wait. This subjective task kind a test your patience, as the marshall asked us to sing again as he didnt satisfied with our singing..
Done! so we come down to the last CP, CP10. Again, this one a bit subjective. appoint a mascot, and sing or dance your team cheer! Adoi!! but Fakri came up with a nice cheer song, and Ellah was the mascot.. alololo.. x comel tp belasah je la..
So we sang :
"Everywhere we go.. people want to know.. who we are..
so we tell them, we are the mighty, mighty Budget Good-Good!"
Ha! takde nyer kena nyanyi sekali.. 2 kali kena ulang.. haha.. and we finished 1st.
Ok. Lets go back to the 1st event venue and waiting for the prize giving ceremony..
we triump! dalam category PBT la.. (Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan). we got 2nd. Our 2nd team got 1st.. haha.. mcm mana tu? tp xpe, hadiah campur 2, bahagi 8.. so fair lah kan?
and yours truly dpt lucky draw.. yay!!
Done here. Lari2 anak balik ke Fiesta RiuhSakan site for the 2nd prize giving ceremony. Kesian pulak biar Syuk amik hadiah sorang2.. kot2 lah masuk paper kan.. utk Explorace siap dapat medal. All and all, terubat lah kiciwa kalah kat Melaka. Alhamdulillah.
flashy medal!
Last but not least, Congrats on your winning, rival team Kaki Lari n Bisa Habis. Member2 jugak diaorg ni.
Ehh.. jap jap.. tak abis biasalah nak cite gak part ni..
Ok thats all! Upcoming events? We might be going to JB soon! (8th June). I'll update you on that.
Running / Races
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